Sunday, February 20, 2011

An update: REALLY!!!

This week we've got a lot going on! Even though we don't have class on Monday, and it's conference week so the days will be short, we'll be making up for our lack of time together with intensity! Tuesday in Social Studies we've got high school students coming into help us with firming up our Project Citizen outlines. Hopefully this will allow us to really get focused and tighten up our presentations. In Language Arts we will be reading our novel in preparation for our final AR tests and the DOOZY 100 point test on 2 weeks.
The rest of the week we be alternating class periods. In these classes we will be discussing local policy in action, reading our novel, begin building our panels, and of course, enjoying each other's company!
DUE DATES: March 7th your STRRTS movie is due
March 8th ALL A.R. points are due
March 9th is the 100 point test

Thanks kiddos for making my birthday a great one!
You make my work days fun days.

One student here looks to be breaking school rules...any guesses which?

Who me?!
Some students need a little break or two in between research projects.

You guys keep getting colds, and we still need Kleenex! Bring a box for 5 points!

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