Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just SO much fun!!!

We are really getting into Project Citizen. I can't wait to find out what topic we'll be doing for our projects. Let's hope you guys pick a good one!

This week we'll be focused on our P.C. unit and beginning a new novel: Streams to the Rivers, Rivers to the Seas by Scott O'Dell. It is the story of Lewis and Clark's journey west, told from Sacajawea's perspective. It's a pretty great read and I think you guys will like it.

Prepare for the following:
Monday you have your one sentence homework due
Tuesday you'll be writing a summary of the first couple of chapters from S.T.T.R.R.T.T.S.
and the rest of the week we'll be having a lot of fun learning about how our government works, and practicing non-fiction reading strategies.

See you soon!

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