Friday, October 23, 2009

October 26-30

Horizon's Jesters

Conferences are over, and so are the short school days.
Now, it's time to get back to business!

All week in Language Arts we will be reading and studying a horror story by Edgar Allan Poe called The Tell-Tale Heart. It's terribly frightening! We'll study point of view, narrator, learn some crazy new vocabulary words, and write an acrostic poem. Not to mention we're going to watch an episode of The Simpsons! Y'all are going to love it!

With all this horror, we're going to have to set Crispin aside for a bit. SAVE YOUR VOCAB NOTES,they will be needed for a test the first week of November.

Social Studies will be taken up with Chapter NINE. Really, we're going to get there this week, I promise! Get your fingers ready to answer some review questions and TAKE A TEST on THURSDAY!!

I'll be at a district meeting on Tuesday. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be on your best behavior for our guest teacher.

See ya Monday!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week of October 19 to 23

"Hey Ms. Filly! What's my grade? Can I see it?"

Monday- Boggle for ducks (As requested by Wyatt),
Jane Schaffer reflection,
Chapter nine

Tuesday- Crispin reading,
Chapter 9

Wednesday- Crispin writing
Chapter 9

Thursday- Show and Tell day
(Extra Credit if you bring something to share!!)
Chapter 9

Friday – AR reading and tests
Chapter nine TEST!

"Magic 8-Ball, what is my grade?"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 12-16

This week in Language Arts we will continue reading Crispin, write a Jane Schaffer essay, and work on completing our AR reading goal for the trimester.

In Social Studies we will continue on to chapter 9 in the textbook. There will be more fun review questions, and the word on the street is that y'all are going to need jackets again this week. There have been murmurings coming from Kingdom Moffit that war is afoot. They think that since we've been beaten before, that it will be easy to do again. WE'LL SHOW THEM!

Friday, October 02, 2009

October 5-9

Great work you guys! Since you've been in school you've taken one test in each block class. NO ONE EARNED LESS THAN A "C" ON EITHER OF THEM! What a smart bunch of kids you all are!

This next week is a fast week, but you've got a lot going on. We will continue to blend L.A. and S.S. together while we study the Feudal system and read our novel Crispin, the Lead Cross. We'll get to continue on to chapter 11 and find the outcome of that cliffhanger in chapter 10.
Now, my loyal subjects, I am sure you've heard the rumors of war swirling around my kingdom. Be not afraid, our powerful Popes have raised up our armies and we are ready to take on all who oppose us. Be sure to prepare and bring your cold-weather battle coats each day!

Due dates:
L.A. Journals collected on Tuesday
S.S. Ch. 8 test on Thursday
Present S.S. PowerPoint on Thursday

Don't forget to show your progress report to your parents. They want to know what you're up to in school too!

Again, for those of you who missed the Back to School night, here is a copy of the letter I sent home:

You can check your student’s grade in Language Arts and Social Studies at any time from the convenience of your computer. Just do the following:
1. Log on to
2. Enter your student’s school ID number and password. (if you do not know it call the school and ask)
3. Click on class schedule
4. Click on “Filanoski” pop-up and “GO”
I will update grades online each Friday. Please call or email me if you EVER have a concern about your student’s success in class.

Students usually have ONE FULL WEEK to complete and turn in assignments. If they do not turn in assignments within this time frame I will give them ONE extra day. After that time frame, I will no longer accept those assignments and a zero grade will be entered into the computer. (Absent days are not applicable to this rule)

I try not to assign homework for homework’s sake. If a student does not complete an assignment in class, then it needs to be finished at home. However, there will be several projects assigned that will need to be done at home. Check the blog to keep up with these assignments and their due dates.

Class grading scale is as follows:
Tests, Quizzes, A.R. = 20%
Performances & Presentations = 30%
Homework = 20%
Class work = 30%
I send home progress reports every-other week, usually on Thursdays.

If you ever need to contact me email is the quickest method or you can call directly into my classroom 228-4994. However, if class is in session I’ll jot your info. down and get back to you. Always feel free to contact me directly with ANY concern you may have about your student. I am here for them, please let me know how I can help.