Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friday, March 05, 2010

This week in Fillyland...

Okay my darlings, this week it's back to Project Citizen. We've got to get moving and get our research DONE. We'll cover some figurative language in L.A., but for the most part we're going to buckle-down and get the P.C. job done.
After reading over your sensory detail paragraphs, I must tell you all how deeply impressed I am. So many of you had me visualizing your locations, and it felt like I was there. Ryan H. made me laugh out loud with his description of an orthodontist visit, and a couple of the Hawaii descriptions made me want to get on a plane to paradise ASAP!
Looking forward to seeing you all next week! Keep up the great work!
Oh, and to the parents reading this post, GREAT JOB at the Crooked Cane! Who knew what mad volleyball skills y'all had?!
Dates to remember:
All 3 A.R. books must be read and tested by March 16.
End of the trimester is March 19