Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just SO much fun!!!

We are really getting into Project Citizen. I can't wait to find out what topic we'll be doing for our projects. Let's hope you guys pick a good one!

This week we'll be focused on our P.C. unit and beginning a new novel: Streams to the Rivers, Rivers to the Seas by Scott O'Dell. It is the story of Lewis and Clark's journey west, told from Sacajawea's perspective. It's a pretty great read and I think you guys will like it.

Prepare for the following:
Monday you have your one sentence homework due
Tuesday you'll be writing a summary of the first couple of chapters from S.T.T.R.R.T.T.S.
and the rest of the week we'll be having a lot of fun learning about how our government works, and practicing non-fiction reading strategies.

See you soon!

Sunday, January 09, 2011

At long last...

Welcome to the NEW YEAR my friends! It's 2011, does that seem weird to anyone else? I'm looking forward to spending the next five months with you guys!

This week we will continue with our TREATY TRAIL lesson in Social Studies. I think this is a great way for you to come to an understanding of how our forefathers settled the city of Spokane, and why there are so many reservations surrounding us here in Eastern Washington.
If you need to work on the project at home please visit:
In Language Arts we will be reading stories related to Native Americans while also studying irony. Prepare to do a little writing too!
Here's to a great week!

Top Secret Extra Credit: For a few extra points, bring in examples of IRONY to share with the class.