Thursday, June 10, 2010


Congratulations! You survived your first and last seventh grade year. I am SO going to miss you all. Thank you for being such a great bunch of kids, you made every day a good one. I've enjoyed getting to know you and have fun with you, while also teaching and learning with you. Thank you.

This next week is full of all the fun stuff. Field trips, parties, talent show, yearbooks, mixers, LIMO RIDES! Enjoy these last few days.

Don't forget to take a moment and reflect upon your year. What did you do this year that you want to always remember? Write it down! Someday you'll look back at what you wrote, and feel the same feelings you had when you lived the moment. I want you to look back at your seventh grade year as a wonderful time in your life. I want you to remember the good things we did.

Don't forget to also think about your future. What will you do tomorrow, this summer, or even next year, to be the kind of person you want to grow up to be? This year you started to make the mold for the person you will be for the rest of your life. If you want to change what you've begun making NOW IS THE TIME! Don't settle into a lifestyle, group, or attitude because it is easy. Be who you were meant to be! I have so much hope, so much love for my kids; I can't wait for you to come back and visit me one day, and tell me how proud you are of yourself. I am proud of you now.

Have a great summer. Be safe and make wise decisions.