Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Wonder Theme essay

  • Use ellipsis if the whole quote is not needed
Please try to follow the format we used in class when you write you paper. 
In your rough draft, due THIS THURSDAY, you will need to have:
  1. an introduction 
  2. a transition into each body paragraph 
  3. fully ACEd body paragraphs 
  4. a conclusion.                          

(Please note: this is an example only, and a poorly done one at that.)

INTRODUCTION: 100% of kids with facial disfigurement like ice cream. (HOOK)In the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio, (BOOK INFO) the main character Auggie has a facial deformity that causes people to stare at him and judge him. (BACKGROUND INFO) These hurtful actions lead to the novel’s theme, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” (THESIS STATEMENT)


Example #1: Summer ignores the way Auggie looks and sits with him on the first day of school.I sat with him that first day because I felt sorry for him. That’s all…He’s just a kid. The weirdest-looking kid I’ve ever seen, yes. But just a kid.This quote shows that Summer had compassion for Auggie before she really got to know him. Now that they are friends she doesn’t have to think twice about sitting with him, she sits with him because she likes him.

Example #2: Just as Summer chose to sit with Auggie and not her friends, Jack Will chose Auggie over popularity. Fourthly, now that I know him, I would say I actually do want to be friends with August. At first, I admit it, I was only friendly to him because Mr. Tushman asked me to be especially nice and all that. But now I would choose to hang out with him. He laughs at all my jokes. And I kind of feel like I can tell August anything. Like he's a good friend. Like, if all the guys in the fifth grade were lined up against a wall and I got to choose anyone I wanted to hang out with, I would choose August.” When Jack Will chooses to be friends with Auggie instead of being popular he does it in a very dramatic way, he punches Jullian! Jack was able to endure the “freeze out” of the other boys at Beecher Prep because his friendship with Auggie was so strong. Like he said in the quote, of all the kids at school to hang out with, Jack would pick Auggie.


Example #3:
There were many people in Auggie’   XXXXX   XXXXX   XXXXX

Conclusion: Invitation or challenge-So the next time you see someone who looks different, take the time to get to know them before you make judgments about them.

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