Thursday, January 09, 2014


Happy New Year to you! I’m so glad to be back at Horizon with my classes; I’ve very much enjoyed hearing stories about your family adventures over the Christmas break. But, now that we’re back, it’s time to get refocused on learning! Here are some updates:

·         The newest RVF is attached to this email. It is due January 23rd. ALL questions on the back side need to be answered despite the confusing direction on the top of the page.

·         Mr. Hardt has asked that instead of one large 300 point A.R. grade at the end of the trimester, that I break the grade up into smaller chunks throughout the tri., and I am happy to oblige. These grades will begin showing up in the grade book quite soon. However, they will have extended due dates because they are not scored until the end of the trimester. In this class all AR assignments and points are due by March 6th

A.R. grades are made up of the following components (not just taking and passing the 3 required AR tests each trimester):

a.       A.R. comprehension tests taken in the library.

b.      Back-sides of all RVF sheets.

c.       In-class skill quizzes using AR book.

d.      In-class AR book quick writes

e.      Goal setting for the trimester’s reading.

f.        Having an AR book in class at all times.

g.       Score from the required genre’s AR test

h.      Reading one book from the required genre for the trimester.

These required genres are:

1.       Trimester 1- a classic

2.       Trimester 2- biography or autobiography

3.       Trimester 3-Historical Fiction

·         Parents often ask me how they can support our learning at home. I’ve written a few parent to student discussion topics if you too have been asking this same question.

1.       In Social Studies we are learning about Ancient Egypt. If you have any resources or knowledge about this civilization please discuss it with your child. It’s such an interesting part of our world’s history.

2.       Ask your child to talk about the mood or tone in the novel he is reading. Ask why s/he feels this way using proof from the book.

Please contact me if you have additional questions or concerns.

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