Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 25-29 2011

Yup! I've updated the blog...or I'm about to anyways! I'll try try try to get better at staying current with the blog for the rest of the year.

Don't forget: ALL A.R. POINTS ARE DUE JUNE 8. This date is NOT as far away as you may be thinking! If you were a last second point earner LAST tri- don't let that happen again THIS tri!

BEGIN COLLECTING FOR THE FUND RUN! You can turn your money into your 1st period class starting Monday. 7th grade MUST dominate this year! Just think, you win and you get a whole lot of time OUT of CLASS! (and you know that would make Collin and Matt S. SO happy!) Lucky ducks!


Monday: We'll begin pre-reading and vocabulary development before we jump into our LAST novel of the year, The Cay. We'll also discuss the invention of the automobile and watch sections of the History Channel movie Horacio's Drive.

Tuesday: We will examine maps and discuss the location of the Caribbean islands, we'll have a mini discussion about WWII and examine pictures and clips of U-boats.

Wednesday: BEGIN READING THE CAY, Chapter 9 in the WA State History text

Thursday: Continue The Cay, take an A.R. assessment in class

Friday: ALL A.R. ALL DAY! I scored the library for us, prepare to take a test today!


Want some extra-credit?
Watch the news or read a few newspaper articles about current happenings in the Middle East- focus on Libya. Write 3 paragraphs about:
1. What has been happening for the last two months? Who has been in control? What has the U.S. done?
2. What is happening now? Who is currently in control? How?
3. What is YOUR opinion on the events happening there?
Worth: 15 points in the class of your choosing.

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