Welcome to the second trimester of your 7th grade year! You're almost halfway done...time sure does fly when you're having fun! Everyone starts this tri off with an A+; be sure to do all you can to keep yours!
This week you'll be busy in the library learning research skills. These new skills will become VERY important later this trimester when we begin our Project Citizen project. Ms. Albers has some great things planned for you, and I know you'll all be great kids for her!
For Social Studies we will begin our learning about Washington state history. We'll start with a quick assessment to see what you already know (no reason to teach you what you already know...right!?) and then we'll go from there. A whole new textbook awaits you; oh the joy!!
Don't forget, you get your report cards this FRIDAY. Be sure to share your reports with your parents and be sure to tell them HOW MUCH YOU'VE LEARNED THIS TRIMESTER!
Had to share this shot of PJ...gotta brag about how the cute little guy is.

OH! I almost forgot, thanks for representing the team H.S.!
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