This Week in the Kingdom of Filly
Book orders due THURSDAY
Monday- We will continue with the District Writing Assessment and focus on story elements
in social studies we will pick our medieval fiefdoms and continue on with ch. 8.
Tuesday- We will finish the writing assessment and begin the novel, Crispin. In Social Studies
we will have a three class meeting on ARTIFACTS and learn some important
vocabulary that will be used for the REST OF YOUR LIVES!
Wednesday-Friday- We will continue with Crispin and chapter 8 for the rest of the week
with short quizzes for both on Thursday, and AR reading on Friday.
TOP SECRET STUFF: If you write me a 2 paragraph explanation about why you should be chosen for either a noble or a knight position, I will put your name in a SPECIAL VIP hat. Then when we draw names on Monday, you will be almost sure to get assigned to one of the better jobs in the Kingdom of Filly.
Thank you Ms.Filanoski for posting this very secret and confidential information I will make sure to write two paragraphs.
Thanks again,
how fun is this going to be
ms filly why dont your students comment obn your blog we comment on it A LOT
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