(Read the following with a Texas twang) Y'all were great while I was in Texas, and I thank ya kindly fer yer positive behavior! Good job period 5 in earnin yer free day. I'm mighty proud o ya!
Now, on to the week ahead...Tuesday we had a guest speaker and finished working on our Treaties packet. This is the sample work you will use for your student-lead conference in February, so DO try to put your best into it. You want the boss of you to be proud of the smarty you are-right!?
Wednesday and Thursday in LA will be reading and test prep days. We'll read up to chapter 20 in Streams to the Rivers, Rivers to the Sea. We'll have a quiz Wednesday and a test Friday.
Wednesday and Thursday will also be test prep days for our doozey of a test in social studies. You'll get to use your two-column notes and your packet to answer several essential learning questions. You're a bright bunch, so I am not worried about anyone NOT passing this one.
If you are in my AM block you can earn an extra 15 points to be used in either block class if you write a thank you letter to Hank- our Nez Perce guest speaker.
If you're in my PM block, listen carefully for the next two days...I just might mention something in an aside that you'll want to hear.
Have a great week!
Thanks Mrs. Filly, for the extra credit
You never mentioned something in an aside that we would want to hear. Thanks a lot for giving the AM class extra credit but nothing to the PM class!
P.S. I love the Valentine duckys! They are so cute!
:D :) :D :)
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