Monday, January 25, 2010

I think y'all know...

This week's work is on the whiteboard in the room, but if you're spacing out, know the BIG things:
1. We finish reading S.T.R.R.T.S. this Wednesday and will have a "Ducky Test Prep" Thursday, and we'll end the week with a BIG FAT TEST on Friday.
2. We're now done learning about Native Americans. We're on to Washington state constitution! Do YOU know what a wolf meeting is? You will!

YOUR PROJECT IS DUE MONDAY! If you need to borrow a video camera, ask! If you need help, ask! If you're
confused about anything to do with the project- PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!

On that note, you guys have been uber-chatty. SOOOO you've left me no choice. We'll go back to sitting in rows on Tuesday. Yep, you can cry in your Wheaties to your mama, but you'll still be sitting in boring old rows.It would take a lot of convincing (in the form of a persuasive letter. hint! hint!) to make me believe that sitting in rows is a bad idea.

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