Saturday, December 05, 2009

Lost Ducks and this week...

WE ARE DONE WITH THE MIDDLE AGES!! Wow, 3 months after we started and look at all you've learned: Feudal systems, roles of the church and king, the black death, crusades, roles of women in the middle ages, Judaism, Muslims, Christians, and let's not forget HOW TO JUGGLE! I have a sneaky suspicion that you'll need to understand the ruling systems and roles of women in Native American culture...good thing we've got such a great reference base!

This week (while I hunt for the last three hidden duckies) we will begin learning about the geology and formation of our state. We'll learn about the giant flood that formed our area and made the soil so rich. We'll learn about Kennewick man and the controversy that surrounds his remains, and we'll be putting it all together while learning sentence structure (diagramming sentences is FUN) and parts of speech.

Remember, you start school Monday with an A+, and I am a cake teacher- so keep that sugar of a grade up there!


Unknown said...

Ms. filanoski, I love the part about you beging a cake teacher and yo have to keep your sugar of a grade up. That is so funny! I hope you fine the missings ducks. You are the best teacher ever!!!

RiLee :) said...

YAY WOOHOO WE'RE DONE WITH THE MIDDLE AGES! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heehee one of the ducks you couldn't find was mine! I didn't think my hiding place was THAT good! THere were like 5 secs left so I just randomly shoved it in there. Maybe ur looking a LITTLE too hard. Good luck! Oh and everyone FYI, Olesya'n I are gonna win that scavenger hunt thing. Have fun w/ that!
:D :) :D :)

Anonymous said...

hey Ms. Filanoski, good luck finding the last of the ducks. but to make you feel better, i have know idea where the ducks are either. OH AND MR. LARSEN DIDNT TELL US THE ANSWER FOR THE SCAVENDER HUNT!! I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I TALKED TO HIM. But, if you get in the doughnut club for a day or watever, can you give me a doughtnut?
Drew Cicchetti

Anonymous said...

hey Ms. Filanoski, good luck finding the last of the ducks. but to make you feel better, i have know idea where the ducks are either. OH AND MR. LARSEN DIDNT TELL US THE ANSWER FOR THE SCAVENDER HUNT!! I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I TALKED TO HIM. But, if you get in the doughnut club for a day or watever, can you give me a doughtnut?
Drew Cicchetti