Saturday, September 26, 2009

The week of September 28 to October 2

The line between Language Arts and Social Studies will be a bit blurry this week as we REALLY delve in to the Feudal System of the Middle Ages. Prepare yourselves for a bit of silliness- and a lot of learning! You'll be assigned to a new table group where you will act as Lord, Knight, Peasant, or Serf for the next several weeks. One lucky student in each block will also be assigned the role of Pope (and we all know how important that role was in the Middle Ages!). We'll be reading a lot from our silly floppy S.S. textbook that will help us to understand much of the plot in our L.A. novel Crispin.

Important things you need to know this week:
Monday is our test on religions BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR NOTES,
We'll be in the library Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday researching our first big project,
All book orders will be collected Monday, and the order will be submitted before 6th period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant wait 2 go 2 school on monday luv olivia dingus