You have another week before you have to trudge back to the 'ole school. But lucky for you, there are fabulous opportunities to provide service to others during this time! Woo Hoo! (Repeat after me: "I love to serve others Ms. Filanoski!")
Anyhow, I live in the Valley and I know that the plows are not being very good about clearing our streets. So, a great way for you to be of service (and help your neighbors) would be for you to grab your nearest snow shovel and get to work! You might even make friends with someone new! Making a path for the mailman will help keep people from stumbling to their boxes, and help the mailman deliver mail faster.
Also, The Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery is in critical need of baby items. A fun few days might be spent making quilts for the babies or gathering food and diapers for the little ones. So many of the items they need are easily accessible.
There are so many chances for you to be of service that I'd hate for you to miss any- so get on it buddies!
OH, as an update, you might want to know about the families for whom we had been collecting Christmas gifts. Well, the gifts were supposed to be delivered on Thursday, but as you know that was a snow day and there was no way cars could get from here to there. So, on Monday Mr. Weis, Ms. Moffit, and Mr. Smith loaded their cars with all the fabulous items you had collected and delivered them all to Broadway Elementary School for the families to pick-up.
I'm so proud of all the work you did. Thank you for giving a nice Christmas to those in need.
I hope you had a nice holiday! Um, does shoveling for yuor family count as community service? If you check my mom's blog (In desperate need of grace) you can see some pictures of me and my puppy shoveling and then the long nap I took afterwards.
hey ms.filanoski? can i work on my other sevice learning for next tri or does that not count? because i got all mine done on saturday so i was just checking.
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