This week closes up our Greece unit, and welcomes in the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Greece projects are due Monday and will be presented to the class throughout the week, after we finish testing for the day. Students bringing baked goods or time sensitive projects will present on Monday, all others will be randomly selected to present.
Artist Allison will be here to help students complete their Artists' Books, and to inform us about our authors' readings at the Vashon Bookshop. Read more about our night at:
Technology baffles me. If you click on the picture below it should enlarge. And then, just tilt your head. Clearly picture rotation is far beyond my skill set. sigh.
In this web log I will try to keep an up-to-date schedule of what we're doing in our classes. The schedule may change due to class understanding or teachable moments. Feel free to work ahead of the schedule for the week but, make sure you discuss your plans with me beforehand so you are on the right track. You can email me at or call me at 206-463-8605 Have a WONDERFUL week!