Friday, October 22, 2010

Spirit Week!


Don't forget that this week is SPIRIT WEEK! We start off in out PJs on Monday- so I guess I'll have to be okay with y'all in your slippers. UGH!

This week YOUR BIG OLE PROJECT IS DUE! I've uploaded the rubric so CLICK on it if you're working at home and wonder what you're going to need to earn your "A." In Social Studies Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to working on your projects and combining slides. YOU MUST PRESENT ON WEDNESDAY (or before) OR YOU WILL RECEIVE A FAILING GRADE! Thursday and Friday we will be discussing the Great Plague...ewwww!

In Language Arts we will begin an expository writing, and you're just going to L.O.V.E the process. We'll also be reading Crispin throughout the week.

Boggle on Friday- bring your BEST vocabularies to class!

Medieval Feast Information


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Goodness me! It's going to be a quick week this week!

I am so sorry I am tardy posting this. My WiFi was down all weekend, and I didn't know how to fix it. Technology is an area that totally escapes me. One day I'll master it though!

Anyhow, this week will be pretty repetitious for y'all. We've got short days due to conferences, and will only meet three times this week. Other than a CRISPIN test Monday (you guys know the answers, because YOU wrote the questions!), we'll be working in the library to finish your Medieval Power Point projects, and reading our novel. Don't forget that your project MUST be finished on Friday. You will be presenting them to the class on Monday. YOU WILL HAVE A POP MATERIALS CHECK ONE DAY THIS WEEK! Be prepared for class every day and you won't miss out of valuable class points.'ll be worth group stars!

Parents, PLEASE be aware that I will not be available to meet with you at the arena conferences WEDNESDAY afternoon/evening. We have a cross country meet that day. I would LOVE to schedule a one on one with anyone interested, so just zap an email my way and we can set something up.

Also parents, several of you are not on my class emailing list. If you would like my monthly information email you can email me with your address and I'll add you.


super top secret extra credit: write a one paragraph summary of your current AR book, using correct Jane Shaffer colors, and I'll add 10 points to your grade in the AR category. WOOOO!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

My, oh my!

I cannot believe it; it's a first for any of my classes, EVER; I am speechless! EVERY block class scored PERFECT 10s on Friday!!! That means this Friday is YOUR day! Congratulations on your efforts. I think I'll also grant you a Queen's token. You'll find out more about that Monday...I'm just SO proud of you guys.

This week we will be reading Crispin in Language Arts, and you'll be building your group Power Point presentations in the library. Tuesday we'll have an AR test where you'll tell me all about CHARACTER in your AR reading book. Friday we'll have our first journal collection, and this one is worth about 100 points!

See y'all Monday!!

Friday, October 01, 2010

A photo Update for the first full week of October!

If you click on these photos you can blow them up HUGE! (That makes this next one a lot easier to read!)

Here are the week's plans according to my lesson book. Have a gander to see the fun you'll soon be having!

The PM block class leaders... really unsure of what the Pope is doing here.

The PM block battling it out for classroom domination...Go C.W. GO!