Don't forget that this week is SPIRIT WEEK! We start off in out PJs on Monday- so I guess I'll have to be okay with y'all in your slippers. UGH!
This week YOUR BIG OLE PROJECT IS DUE! I've uploaded the rubric so CLICK on it if you're working at home and wonder what you're going to need to earn your "A." In Social Studies Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to working on your projects and combining slides. YOU MUST PRESENT ON WEDNESDAY (or before) OR YOU WILL RECEIVE A FAILING GRADE! Thursday and Friday we will be discussing the Great Plague...ewwww!
In Language Arts we will begin an expository writing, and you're just going to L.O.V.E the process. We'll also be reading Crispin throughout the week.
Boggle on Friday- bring your BEST vocabularies to class!
Medieval Feast Information