We had so many students gone last week that I didn't teach conflict. It would be too difficult to learn on your own, so we're going to learn all about literary conflict THIS week. Our student teacher, Ms. Cumming, will also take a spin at the crazy job of teaching- be good to her!Monday L.A.- Journal, Conflict in Literature
NOTES (Yay! We LOVE notes!)
S.S.- Ch. 3 test review, Movie: Early PNW People
Tuesday-L.A.- Journal, Conflict in Literature Group Activity
S.S.- Ch. 3 test
L.A.- Conflict Playdough Mini-Lesson
S.S.- Ch. 4 intro., Vocabulary
L.A.- Conflict, Read Ch.16
S.S.- Ch. 4 reading
Friday-L.A.- A.R. reading and text questioning
S.S.- E.C. current events, Ch. 4
Upcoming Due Dates: March 5- STRRTS Project
March 10- Service Learning Project
March 12- ALL A.R. points earned
End of Trimester is March 13