Friday, January 30, 2009

Feb. 2-6

In Language Arts this week we will begin reading our next class novel, Streams to the River, River to the Sea by Scott O'Dell. This is the semi-fictional story of Sacagawea guiding Lewis and Clark through the West. It's a GREAT book! We're really short on copies of this book, and it's out of print. So, if you can find a copy for your own use you'd be ahead of the curve! Look for it at used book stores and online sites like Abe Books <>

In Social Studies we will continue our study of Washington geography and early people.This is my favorite section of the text, so please forgive me if I get excited while teaching you about Pangaea, volcanoes, and frozen rivers. It's really interesting stuff!

Again, you're a great bunch of kids and I am proud to be your teacher. You really make me enjoy my days. Work isn't so much work with such a fun bunch! Thanks!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Beautiful Brochure Bunch

What a lovely group this 3rd period is!

5 EC points if you send me an email and tell me what figurative language I've used in the heading of this post. Due Sunday evening for credit.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week of January 26-30

You're such a fabulous group of kids and I so enjoy teaching you. Thanks for making my days so entertaining.

This week in Language Arts we are having great time working on our Pacific Northwest travel brochures. We'll be working in class, in the library, in the computer lab, and at home making the best looking brochures possible. Remember: You cannot cut and paste information directly from a website and claim it as your own work. Think for yourself and reword to make your paragraphs pop! Graded brochure presentations will be Wednesday and Thursday.

In Social Studies this week we enter the exciting world of Washington State history! We'll begin with some exciting scavenger hunts and trivia quizzes before we tackle the meatier stuff. Lots of candy prizes awarded!

Don't forget, you've earned your free periods this Friday! Woop! Woop! We can have some fun while remaining the ladies and gentlemen that we are.
Half of your A.R. reading points are due on February 12. Make sure you're keeping up on your reading and taking those tests!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week of January 12-16, 2009

Language Arts:
This week we will be composing a Jane Schaffer model essay. The topic that the district chose for this essay is, "My Favorite Season." I'll do my best to make this a fun experience for you and, keep you from feeling overwhelmed. ('Cause you know this teacher likes y'all a lot- right? RIGHT!)
We'll also play a few rounds of Boggle for a journal activity. Hopefully this will engage the section of your noggins assigned to spelling. BIG BOGGLE PRIZES AWAIT!

Social Studies:
We will be studying chapter 17 in the text book. We're leaving the Civil War and moving on to the Reconstruction of the US after the war. It's pretty interesting learning! I've got some videos and picture books to help us really "get it."
I AM still hoping to have our Battle of Gettysburg reenactment in the snow. So cross your fingers that we get a light dusting that sticks enough for us to go outside!

See you on Monday!!

secret blog extra credit:
For 5 points on Monday, bring in a small item representing your favorite season. Show it to me, and be prepared to explain why it reminds you of that season.